schaf am 09. Februar 2015 um 12:49 |  0 Kommentare | Lesezeit: 1 Minute, 11 Sekunden

OnePlus One erhält OTA Update für CM 11S Betriebssystem

Das schon l舅ger in Arbeit befindliche Update wurde nun zum OTA Download freigegeben.

OnePlus hat bekannt gegeben, dass ab sofort ein Update des schon fé¯ J舅ner erwarteten CM 11S auf die Release 05Q zur Verf鮦ung steht. Es enthèˆt einige neuen Features und behebt bekannte Probleme.

Alle トnderungen:

Fixed dab with Linux 3.10
Improved ADB Sideload
Improved wipe confirmation screen layout
Improved progress bar

Fixed wrong emergency call property
Improved audio policy flexibility
Increased void volume
Improved light controls
Updated WCNSS configuration
Upgraded ADCB Files
Powered HAL improvements
Upgraded SQLite to version 3.8.6
Reduced volume increment/decrement step per click
Added support for Query SIM SMS capacity
Upgraded TP firmware to 14001220
Fixed headset insert/remove crash
Fixed ability to hang up a call from a wired audio headset

Set Up:
SetupWizard: Allow turning on mobile data if off by default

Fixed force close when sharing multiple files over Bluetooth

Displays download size as a decimal prefix
Enabled scrolling on the system update screen
Added Download clicked notification
Shows download size on UI
Updated Icons
Added progress bar

Added letterbox view for to show actual capture in preview
Added toast information to aid in first time use of Continuous shot

Additional supported video types

Blacklist, strip extension from number
Fixed screen rotation behavior during call

Call events can be handled on alarm
Fixed city and time zone entries


Kurze URL:

Bewertung: 2.6/5 (9 Stimmen)

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