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Google Glass für 90.000 US-Dollar auf eBay

NewsBot Mi., 17. April, 2013 um 18:18 #1

Kaum haben die ersten, ausgewählten User die Smartglasses erhalten, landet auch schon eine, originalverpackt und nie getragen, auf eBay. Andere User scheinen sich mehr über Google Glass zu freuen und haben Unboxing-Videos veröffentlicht.

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Gast Mi., 17. April, 2013 um 22:33 #2

Ist eh schon wieder rausgenommen worden...

Habt einfach diesen Text geschrieben und es wieder rausgenommen:

Please note: this auction is being removed, due to finding out that Google Glass cannot be resold once obtained. Since I have not received anything other than confirmation from Google that I have been selected for the #ifihadglass contest, I was not given the terms of service agreement that those who received the first batch did indicating the device could not be resold. So, all of you who apparently have no life aside from posting in forums about this auction can sleep well tonight knowing that the glasses will not be sold. Thanks to Patrick Nugent (eBay user torwolv) and the many others who have driven up the price for their own amusement. #ifihadalife Sorry for being a recent college graduate that was hoping I could possibly resell my Google Glasses to help pay down my student debt. Yes, I am everything that's evil in the world. Anyway, nothing to see here anymore. Take a screen shot, it will last longer!

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Gast Mi., 17. April, 2013 um 22:33 #3

naja deppen muss es immer wieder geben!

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Gast Mi., 17. April, 2013 um 22:33 #4

Vielleicht war es eh ein Österreicher!

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