Kefir am 01. Juli 2012 um 15:50 |  1 Kommentar | Lesezeit: 27 Sekunden

Samsungs Jelly Bean Pläne

Samsung will sich bald zu seinen Jelly Bean Update-Pl舅en 舫゚ern:

Samsung will soon announce which additional devices are eligible for the Jelly Bean update. As the worldç—´ largest smartphone manufacturer, Samsung leads the Android community with best-in-class devices like the Galaxy S III, and is creating new device categories with products like the Galaxy Note. Samsung has delivered the most Nexus-branded lead OS devices and we are pleased that Google will be bringing Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S customers the first experiences of Jelly Bean on a handheld device.

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Bewertung: 2.7/5 (6 Stimmen)

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