> Forums > Forum


Das Forum kann jetzt AJAX

aleX Mo., 23. April, 2007 um 18:22 #1

Wie ihr sicher gemerkt habt war das Forum jetzt 2 Tage fast dauerhaft offline ...

Der Grund dafür ist das ich jetzt in das gesamte Forum testweise (noch) ein sogenann AJAX Feature eingebaut habe ...

Was bedeutet das?
Was AJAX genau ist könnt ihr hier nachlesen:

In Kurzform gesagt ...
Durch AJAX gehen alle Seitenaufbaue viel schneller da nicht mehr immer die geamte Homepage geladen werden muss, sondern durch Java gestützt nur Teile neu geladen ...

Das ganze ist noch in der Erprobung und sicher noch verbesserunges Fähig ...
Also solltet ihr Fehler bemerken, dann nur schnell hier rein schreiben und dann kann ich ich mich schnell darum kümmern

aleX Di., 24. April, 2007 um 13:32 #2

Hier mal eine Auflistung was alles neu dazugekommen ist:

- Creating a New PM:
-> Userlist: When typing in the username field, a userlist will generate under the
username field,
-> Instant Preview: After clicking the preview button, a preview of your message
will be generated.

- Creating a New Post:
-> Instant Preview: After clicking the preview button, a preview of your message
will be generated.
-> Instant Poll Add: After click the button to add a poll, it will be added to the
list of polls.

- View Forum:
-> Delete Topic: You will be able to click on a image and get a confirm message
on if you really want to delete the topic. After click "Yes", the topic will
get delete forever.
-> Locking Topic: You will be able to lock a topic by click on the topic image.
-> Move Topic: You will be able to move a topic to a different forum for a click
of an images.

- View Group:
-> Userlist: When typing in the username field, a userlist will generate under the
username field,

- View Search page:
-> Userlist: When typing in the search author field, a userlist will generate under the
author field,

- View Topic:
-> Delete Topic: You will be able to click on a image and get a confirm message
on if you really want to delete the topic. After click "Yes", the topic will
get delete forever.
-> Locking Topic: You will be able to lock a topic by click on the topic image.
-> Move Topic: You will be able to move a topic to a different forum for a click
of an images.
-> Delete Post: You will be able to delete a post without having to reload the page.
-> Post Subject: You will be able to edit the subject of the post. If it is the first post
then the topic title will change.
-> Post Message: You will be able to edit the post message within the topic page.
-> Watch Topic: You will be able to watch a topic without leaving the page.
-> Post Menu: Double click on the message and your well get a menu for that post.
The post menu contains the following
=> Delete Post: You will be able to delete a post without having to reload the page.
=> Inline Post Editing: You will be able to edit the post message within the topic page.
=> Inline Post Editing Preview: You will be able to preview your post before submiting it.
=> View Poster's IP Address: You will be abel to view the poster's ip address without
reload the page.

-> Poll Menu: When a topic has a poll on it, you will be able to double click on the
poll and get a poll menu.
=> Poll Options: You will be able to change the poll options of the poll without haing
to edit the topic.
=> Poll Title: You will be able to change the title of the poll without having to
editing the topic.
=> View Results: You will be able to view the results of the poll with a click
of a button.

-> View Results: You will be able to view the results of the poll with a click of a button.
-> Poll voting: You will be able to do a instant vote. Which means that you can vote and
have the results show without having to reload the page.

- Administration Panel
-> AJAXed Configuration:
=> Active: You will be able to turn off any or all the features this mod has.

-> Group Admin > Management > Group:
=> Userlist: When typing in the search author field, a userlist will generate under the
author field,

-> User Admin > Ban Control:
=> Userlist: When typing in the search author field, a userlist will generate under the
author field,

-> User Admin > Management:
=> Userlist: When typing in the search author field, a userlist will generate under the
author field,

-> User Admin > Permissions:
=> Userlist: When typing in the search author field, a userlist will generate under the
author field,

- Registration:
-> Username Checker: You can see if a username is: Takin, Yours, Free.
-> Password Checker: You will be able to see if your passwords match.

- Editing Your Profile:
-> Username Checker: You can see if a username is: Takin, Yours, Free.
-> Password Checker: You will be able to see if your passwords match.

chevyg So., 23. September, 2007 um 23:08 #3

Cool ...

AJAX ist ja schon was geiles ...
Aber manche Seiten übertreiben es ja so derart und dann ist auch die Ladezeit entsprechend lang ...

Aber hier ist es genau richtig!

C&M distanziert sich konkret und ausdrücklich vom Inhalt dieses Postings.
Der Ersteller des Postings haftet für seine Äußerungen.
Inhalte, die nicht den Forumsregeln entsprechen sind bitte vom Leser zu melden ...

aleX So., 23. September, 2007 um 23:20 #4

DayWalker hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Aber hier ist es genau richtig!



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