Kefir am 22. Juli 2011 um 18:39 |  0 Kommentare | Lesezeit: 3 Minuten, 7 Sekunden

Lion: Über 1 Million Downloads am ersten Tag

Gestern abends berichteten wir über die durchwegs begeisterten Bewertungen von OS X Lion im Mac AppStore. Heute präsentiert Apple stolz die erste Statistik zu den Lion Downloads: Mehr als 1 Million Kunden kauften sich bereits am ersten Tag die neueste (8.) Version des Apple-Betriebssystems. Damit übertreffen die Verkaufszahlen bereits jetzt alle vorangegangenen Mac OS X Versionen.

"Lion is off to a great start, user reviews and industry reaction have been fantastic,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Lion is a huge step forward, it’s not only packed with innovative features but it’s incredibly easy for users to update their Macs to the best OS we’ve ever made.”

In 123 Ländern der Welt können Apple-Benutzer für nur 29,99 $ die 8. Großversion mit über 250 neuen Features herunterladen.

Wer Hilfe bei der Installation benötigt, wird dieses Video von iClarified nützlich finden:

Vollständige Presseaussendung:

Lion Downloads Top One Million in First Day
CUPERTINO, California—July 21, 2011—Apple® today announced that in just one day, over one million users bought and downloaded Mac OS® X Lion, the eighth major release of the world’s most advanced operating system. Available through the Mac® App Store™ for $29.99 (US), users are buying Lion faster than any other OS release in Apple’s history.

"Lion is off to a great start, user reviews and industry reaction have been fantastic,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Lion is a huge step forward, it’s not only packed with innovative features but it’s incredibly easy for users to update their Macs to the best OS we’ve ever made.”

Lion introduces more than 250 new features to the Mac, including Multi-Touch® gestures; system-wide support for full screen apps; Mission Control, an innovative view of everything running on your Mac; the Mac App Store, the best place to find and explore great software; Launchpad, a new home for all your apps; and a completely redesigned Mail app.

Available in 123 countries, the Mac App Store brings the revolutionary App Store experience to the Mac so you can find great new apps, buy them using your iTunes® account, download and install them in just one step. The Mac App Store offers apps in Education, Games, Graphics & Design, Lifestyle, Productivity, Utilities and other categories. Users can browse new and noteworthy apps, find out what’s hot, see staff favorites, search categories and look up top charts for paid and free apps, as well as user ratings and reviews. The Mac App Store is built right into Lion and available for Snow Leopard® users through Software Update as part of Mac OS X version 10.6.8.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.


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Bewertung: 2.5/5 (4 Stimmen)

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