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Mi., 01. September, 2021 um 10:35 #1

And interested friends can also go and see them.
His masterpieces "Princess Diaries", "Les Miserables" and "Interns" are all very good movies, and interested friends can also go and see them.
This film tells the story of a female college student who has just left school and entered a top fashion magazine as an assistant to the editor-in-chief. From the confusion of entering the workplace to finding the root of the problem from herself, she finally became an excellent workplace and fashion magazine.
A very interesting website

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Inhalte, die nicht den Forumsregeln entsprechen sind bitte vom Leser zu melden ...

Mi., 01. September, 2021 um 10:35 #2

And interested friends can also go and see them.
His masterpieces "Princess Diaries", "Les Miserables" and "Interns" are all very good movies, and interested friends can also go and see them.
This film tells the story of a female college student who has just left school and entered a top fashion magazine as an assistant to the editor-in-chief. From the confusion of entering the workplace to finding the root of the problem from herself, she finally became an excellent workplace and fashion magazine.
A very interesting website

C&M distanziert sich konkret und ausdrücklich vom Inhalt dieses Postings.
Der Ersteller des Postings haftet für seine Äußerungen.
Inhalte, die nicht den Forumsregeln entsprechen sind bitte vom Leser zu melden ...
