Die 4 Sis Files die beim GenerixFlashfile dabei sind

aleX So., 04. November, 2007 um 11:59 #1

Beim GenerixFlashfile sind ja noch 4 Sis Dateien dabei und da immer wieder die Frage aufkommt für was die gut sind hier mal der Auszug aus der Beschreibung die dabei ist:

:: GeneriX Firmware for Motorola A92x ::
:: flash made by f@cio ::
:: shx file compiled by payti ::
:: 2006 ::

| SIS files |

Audio pkg.sis

. accconn.wav - connecting USB/COM cable, Bluetooth, Infrared or headset
. accdisc.wav - disconnecting USB/COM cable, Bluetooth, Infrared or headset
. shutter.wav - making a photo
. countdown.wav - timer on camera
. lowbatt.wav - discharge battery
. extpower.wav - connecting/disconnecting battery charger
. volumechirp.wav - changing 'Master Volume'


. Q6Help.hlp - help file in english

GeneriX update.sis

. Colorscm.dat - file with color scheme
. MotorolaM1000Platform.sis - MotorolaM1000PlatformProductID file
. nopex.mdl - nopEX plugin to install applications on external memory card
. QSBMsg.mbm - file with icons for Messaging events in system
. qsbtelephony.mbm - file with icons for Phone events in system
. QTime - file with bitmaps for Clock application

Vibrate tones.sis

. Vibe_Dash.imy - file vibrate pattern
. Vibe_Dash-Dash.imy - file vibrate pattern
. Vibe_Dot-Dash.imy - file vibrate pattern
. Vibe_Pulse.imy - file vibrate pattern
